Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Deepening What We See

I am more 'here' today than a few days ago, but still sort of drifting back to what I saw in Antarctica. I notice my dreams are filled with penguins and ice. Interesting.....

Today I get a new computer. It has been sitting in my home for about three weeks but my consultant switches me over today. Once that happens, I can begin uploading the many photos from our trip and no longer have to struggle with the amount of memory on my computer. These past few days I have been 'patiently' waiting for the transition. So, no new photos yet from our trip, but I thought I would share a few observations from my journey.

I took my sketchbook with me on the voyage. One morning I was up early and the scenery was, as usual, breathtaking. I began to sketch some of the smaller icebergs that were drifting by our boat. I believe we were in the Wedell Sea at the time. As I began to sketch some of the shapes, I really began to study them - the layers of white into blue, the indentations and more subtle lines along the sky and water. I realized that my drawings, however rough, were forcing me to SEE more of what was in front of me.

The first day of our  voyage to the Antarctic Peninsula, we were at sea in the Drake Passage. To pass the time, we were offered several seminars - one was how to use our camera better. I learned a tremendous amount in the seminar and the quality of my photos over the coming days improved. (I learned some tips that I will use in photographing my quilts too.) Later in the voyage, there were several additional programs on how to take better photographs. The naturalists and guest National Geographic photographer shared samples of photos that they had taken and why they worked. I knew that these seminars were helping me to capture some of the beauty before my eyes so I could revisit my trip when I returned home. What I didn't appreciate at the time was that the coaching would open my eyes to the beauty of my own homeland. I am fascinated that as I drive or run back here in my hometown, I now find myself noting the lighting and assessing what would be beautiful photograph. Again, as with the sketching, I having been SEEing so much more of what is around me.

I am totally enjoying this new way of viewing my environment. I guess now the challenge (and pleasure) will be to continue to develop my eye so this new perspective doesn't fade with the passing days.

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